Aimee Piper's Blog

TG and BDSM Blog Kitten

I Need New Hair! August 27, 2010

Filed under: Fashion — aimeepiper @ 10:05 pm
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I’m always trying to perfect my look and build up my wardrobe and supply of make -up, wigs and bangles to get that look, the one I’m really after. Hopefully now I actually have some income and a few pennies falling into my bank account (or should at least this time next month!) I’m wanting to get some of the essentials in order to really pull of the emo/scene look. One thing that is essential to the look is BIG hair, all fluffed up and sexy like ^_^.

Below are three wigs I’m looking at. Let me know which one you think would suit me. The photos aren’t the best but hopefully will give some ideas.


August Shoot August 19, 2010

Filed under: photo shoot,pictures — aimeepiper @ 4:57 pm
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About 12 months ago I arranged to have my first photo shoot with Simon Ross, a photographer from the Midlands who I’d spoken to off and on for a couple of years. I was a bit nervous about the first shoot but Simon and his partner Racheal we’re very friendly and I was so pleased with how the photos came out.

Being out of the country for much of the last year meant that by the time I returned to the UK I was in dire need of being made to feel pretty and so arranged to have another shoot. As this was my second shoot with Simon I felt more comfortable taking some photos that were more risque, here are a few samples. Hope you like.


just added some new photos to my #flickr August 17, 2010

Filed under: twitter — aimeepiper @ 8:18 pm

just added some new photos to my #flickr #photostream please check them out and give them some love xxx


Piccy Production! August 16, 2010

Filed under: pictures — aimeepiper @ 9:43 pm

Just making this post before I go to bed. Have been playing with some of the pictures that we took over the weekend. I’m so happy with how they came out and can’t wait to look through them all in detail. I just wanted to share a picture but before I did I wanted to clean it up a little bit just to tweak it a little. I thought it would make an interesting post to share the origonal and the edited version to see what people thought.

Here is the original pictures:

And here is the version I edited (a little) ^_^

Fixed the ladder and the bum blemish. I used the blur on my bum to rub out the left overs and then used the magic wand to isolate the areas that were a bit rough and blurred the surface. This worked really well so I also blurred the bed sheets and curtain on the right to make it seem more silky and soften my hair. I also altered the levels slightly to darken it overall.


photo shoot with the lovely Simon Ross t August 14, 2010

Filed under: Fashion,photo shoot,pictures,Uncategorized — aimeepiper @ 9:15 am
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photo shoot with the lovely Simon Ross today >.<


tough choice but have accepted job up he August 12, 2010

Filed under: twitter — aimeepiper @ 9:00 pm

tough choice but have accepted job up here. shame not to be moving to London but at least I’ll get paid and have my own place.


dodgy flat of the day! August 10, 2010

Filed under: twitter — aimeepiper @ 7:34 pm

dodgy flat of the day! 4 girls, looking for male flat mate only. rent £100 p/w (really low) deposit £990!


ZOMG! just got replied to on twitter by August 9, 2010

Filed under: twitter — aimeepiper @ 6:02 pm

ZOMG! just got replied to on twitter by *the* @Baileyjay88 Lulz! I’m such a fan girl >.<


Another Purple Gallery August 8, 2010

Filed under: pictures — aimeepiper @ 6:23 pm

For some strange reason the picture gallery that I uploaded the other week as one of my posts seems to be extremely popular! While my new blog is not getting as many hits as my more established blog and I haven’t been able to hook google analytics up I can see from the stats that are available here that more hits are drawn to that page then my other entries.


Saturday Sparkle July 31, 2010

Filed under: events,sparkle,transgender — aimeepiper @ 8:20 pm

On the cat walk at SparkleGosh I’m so lazy! It’s been three weeks now and I still haven’t finished off my Sparkle report! In fairness though I have been a little busy. I’m still looking for a ‘proper’ job but for the last three weeks I’ve been doing a work placement which has been full-time so even though I’m not getting paid it certainly feels like a proper job!

Anyway, my last Sparkle related post had me finding my way home on the Friday night and fortunately not finding any unexpected visitors in my bed after losing my card key. On the Saturday I had the TotY to look forward too and so spent most of the day with my tummy bubbling with butterflies. The closer I came to the start of the event the more I wondered if I had maybe made a mistake in entering.

In the morning there was a undressed rehearsal for the event (by that I mean we weren’t dressed, not that we were undressed when we practiced) where the organisers explained to us how we were to get on and off the stage and at what points we were expected to pose and milk the crowd. Not everyone was en-femme already and so it was a little strange to see a few people standing around in general guy clothes and trying to figure out how they would look as a girl. AyCee and Cyndie were also there so it was another nice chance to catch up with them.

The actual event took place later in the evening and so we all started gathering in Sackville Gardens at around 5ish where a big stage had been set up. There had been acts on throughout the afternoon and the TotY was the last thing to take place so I guess you could say that it was the main event. The previous evening we had drawn out our order randomly and I had drawn the number 3. I was quite pleased with this as it meant that I would be one of the first so I would get it over with but I would not be *the* first and have everyone looking at me.

Here is a video that Emma Lovelace took backstage, hopefully she won’t mind me using it as it’s on YouTube already. I’m the little one milling around on the left at the start. The other girls were very friendly for the most part and were quite a diverse group. Most of the young girls had put in a lot of effort and there were some TSs who looked amazing. I felt a bit shy and wondering if I should have done a little more or if it was just nerves. As well as that there were some older girls too, some who had put in a lot of effort but at least one or two who I think had only entered for a bit of attention. We were only meant to be on stage for 30 seconds or so (and I was off and on perhaps a little too rushed due to my nerves) but she milked the crowd for a couple of minutes at least. It takes all types I suppose!

There were prizes in different categories such as ‘Best Deportation’ (walking), ‘Best Outfit’ and ‘Miss Congeniality’ as well as one give for most convincing which Cyndie rightly won. I didn’t get anything but then I hadn’t expected to especially considering how rushed everything was. I wasn’t convinced by my outfit or by how I had done my hair and as you can see from the above vid (which only catches a bit of me at the start) the shrug was a bad idea! Still, I had only entered for the fun of it and as a way of meeting new people and I defiantly achieved that and had a great time. Next year though I’ll try to be a bit more organised and take a smaller digital camera as I wasn’t able to take much with my large SLR.